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What is N.E.A.T?

  • Post category:Lifestyle

For most people 70% or more of the calories they burn each day are calories at rest, up to 10% of the calories we burn is the thermic effect of food and people who exercise actively typically do not burn more than 10% of their daily intake performing initial exercise. So where is the other 10-20%; it is what is called N,E,A,T,

Non-exercise activity thermogenesis is the energy expended for everything that is not sleeping, eating or training. It can range from energy being expended by working, stretching, labour work or even fidgeting. 

Why is N.E.A.T. important? 

N.E.A.T. can be an easy tool to hit your weight loss goals without having to do the dreaded extra cardio that you have been avoiding. It has been researched and shown that the difference can be up to an extra 2000 calories burned daily between people at the same size who incorporate N.E.A.T. and who don’t in their daily lives. 

Seeing how N.E.A.T. can impact our energy balance can help us get results enjoyably without spending extra hours in the gym. 

Ways of improving your N.E.A.T.

1. Set a daily step count; hitting this can have a sense of achievement and make you determined to hit your goal.

2.Walk around while being on phone calls- If you find yourself sitting down all day answering phone calls, try walking around in every one out of three phone calls. 

3. Go to the shop- instead of getting your groceries delivered, go to the shop to help break up your day and increase your activity levels. 

4. Caffeine in take- if you feel sluggish in the mornings and don’t feel like doing much, caffeine releases neurotransmitters like dopamine and norepinephrine which makes you feel more energised and awake allowing you to move easier. 

5. Schedule moving breaks- if you find your self sitting for too long; schedule a break every 60-90 minutes to get up and even go for a glass water, correct your posture or a lap of the office.