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Upper body workout using water bottles

Upper body workout using water bottles

  • Post category:Training

Warm Up– 45 seconds ON 15 seconds OFF x 3 rounds

  1. Inch Worms
  2. Stationary bear crawl walk
  3. High Plank 

Giant set– 4 sets with 12 reps  (use your water bottles as weights) 

  1. Pike press
  2. Seated side later raises 
  3. Front raises 
  4. Standing rear delt fly

Tri set – 3 sets with 15 reps 

  1. Incline Press Up 
  2. Decline Press Up
  3. Bent over row (underhand  grip- aiming for your elbows to hit your hips)

Super set– 100 reps 

  1. Bent over rows (overhand wide grip)
  2. Super man hold 

Every time you stop doing bent over rows, hold the super man for 15 seconds until you hit 100 reps. Aiming to hold the super man the least amount of times. 

Giant set– 4 sets increasing the reps by 5 after each set (10/15/20/25)

  1. Hammer curls 
  2. Alternating curls 
  3. Sofa dips
  4. Close grip press up

A.M.R.A.P. (As Many Rounds As Possible) – 4 minutes 

  1. Butterfly sit ups (10)
  2. Leg Raises (20)
  3. Russian Twists (30)

When using light weights such as water bottles, focus a lot on time under tension and contractions allowing you to provide more resistance to the muscles being used in the movement.