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Setting up for change

Setting up for change

  • Post category:Lifestyle

When deciding to change your life for the better, you can sometimes feel overwhelmed by not knowing where to take your first step so you end up putting it off for another week, month or year. Here are some tips to help you prepare for changing your life:

  •  Have a goal that motivates YOU! What do you really want? This can be completely different from one person to the next, pick a goal that motivates you to work towards. This could be anything from getting into a smaller size of clothing to even being fitter to chase your kids around the garden. 
  • Have a plan specifically designed to achieve your goal. Following a plan can allow you to add that enjoyment factor into your routine, planning training and involving foods you like while knowing you will get results if you stay accountable. 
  • Have a support network around you, helping to provide that extra motivation for whenever you need it. 
  • Stay consistent, you will not achieve your goal over night, continually ticking box’s day after day will massively add up over time. 

Once you make the right decisions towards your change of journey, you’ll never look back.