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Protein Powder

Protein Powder

  • Post category:Supplements

Protein powder is a popular nutritional supplement as it is used to help reach daily macro goals. Protein is essential that helps build muscle as it synthesises new satellite cells which are used to repair damaged muscle fibers, make enzymes and hormones. It is also one the building blocks of bone, muscle and skin. Protein powder can also help with weight loss as protein can make you feel fuller for longer resulting in you snacking less frequently. 

Types of protein powder

  • Whey- This is a water-soluble milk protein that is popular among athletes and people who exercise regularly. It is a complete protein, meaning that it contains all of the amino acids that the body requires from food. The body absorbs whey protein quickly and easily which is great for digestion- the best time to take this would be after trainingThere are three main types of whey; 
  1. Whey protein concentrate; this contains low levels of fat and low levels of carbohydrates.
  2. Whey protein isolate; further processed to remove all fat and lactose.
  3. Whey protein hydrolysate; doesnt require as much digestion as the other two due to having already undergone partial hydrolysis. 
  • Casein- This type of protein is rich in glutamine, an amino acid that can speed up muscle growth after exercise. Casein, like whey, comes from dairy making it unsuitable for vegans, vegetarians and people who are lactose-intolerant. The body digests this protein more slowly so it is best to take this an night. Another way to include casein into your diet without having to buy two types of protein is by having greek yoghurt. 
  • Soy- It is an excellent alternative to whey or casein for people who do not consume dairy as it contains all the essential amino acids.
  • Pea- Many plant-based protein powders contain pea protein- this is a great substitute too for soy and dairy based protein powders.
  • Hemp- Another great vegan source of protein as hemp seeds are complete proteins that also contain essential fatty acids.