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Home leg workout (bodyweight)

Home leg workout (bodyweight)

  • Post category:Training

Warm Up– 10 minute time cap- Descending ladder (10/9/8/7/6/5/4/3/2/1)

Complete rep range on each exercise before going to the next, try get as far down the ladder as you can inside the 10 minutes.

  1. Squats 
  2. Bridges 
  3. Alternating reverse lunges 

 Time Under Tension – Have a tempo of 5120 (This 5 seconds of lowering (eccentric), 1 second pause at the bottom, 2 seconds lifting back up (concentric) and 0 seconds at the top of the movement- where your muscles have began to rest).

1.  Heel elevated squats 3×12

2. Right foot stationary lunge 3×12 

3. Left foot stationary lunge 3×12

Circuit– 50 seconds ON 10 seconds OFF (3 Rounds)

1. Clam Shells

2. 1&1/4 rep lunges

3. Side Lunges 

Isometric holds– 50 seconds on 10 seconds OFF (2 Rounds)

1. Wall sit

2. Copenhagen plank (each side)

Burn Out– 2 minutes of max out squats