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4 Fat Loss Mistake You Are Making

4 Fat Loss Mistake You Are Making

Here is some fat loss mistakes you are making right now and ways for you to change them.

1. Restricting Food Groups

The most common example of this is cutting out carbs as you’ve heard they stop fat loss and if you eat them after 6pm then be prepared to say goodbye to your fat loss goals. This is completely FALSE, carbs are one of your body’s main fuel source so by cutting them out completely by even trying the Keto diet- it will result in you feeling sluggish; being detrimental to your fat loss journey. Have a flexible approach, including all of the main food groups into your diet, making it more sustainable for you to uphold. 

2. Eating too much ‘Healthy Foods’

This is when you try including a healthy smoothie or by having as much fruit as you want if you are hungry in-between your meals and you tend to think ‘how have I put weight on? I’ve been eating healthy all week’. However you tend to forget that they have calories too. These extra calories will soon add up over the day- resulting in you having more calories than what you are allowed. Have your day planned out with what food you are allowed, including your snack but still remaining in your recommended amount of calories. 

3. Dropping Calories Too Quickly

You already know that you need to eat less to lose weight however you’ve probably made the mistake of cutting your calories to 1,200 or even less. This resulted in you binging later down the line, simply because you are so hungry. There is no quick fix when it comes to fat loss . Try increase your daily activity while decreasing your calories slightly- making adjustments weekly allowing your body to adapt. This will allow you to still include the foods you enjoy while enabling you to achieve long term results. 

4. Ignoring Resistance Training

Yes, Cardio is great for your overall health and is a great tool for fat loss however it is only one tool in the bag. Often people ignore resistance training as they afraid they will get ‘too bulky’ or feel like everyone will be judging them once they are in the weights room. Weight training increases lean muscle mass, which in turn boosts your metabolism meaning your more likely to burn calories both during and after training. Once it becomes consistent in your routine, you will become a lot more confident and you will usually find it way more enjoyable that walking on the treadmill for an hour.